Nothing or Manna

Scriptural Reference: Numbers 11:6 '... we have nothing but this manna.'


Nothing is defined as 'not having anything; no single thing.'


Manna is defined as 'the misunderstood or undefined' provision of GOD to the children of Israel as they journeyed through the wilderness on their way to the land of promise.


I think if Israel had been grateful for the unknown blessing (manna) they may not have been killed as they greedily began to eat the quail when GOD provided it. Of course, I have their example to smugly refer to lo these many years later but have I learned from Israel’s lesson?


Am I looking at GOD’s provision and pouting? My life is not a fast food ‘order what you like’ for a modest fee.


Is my nose turned up because I have ‘had my fill’ of this daily portion?


Am I dissatisfied with GOD’s leadership, provision, and protection?


The new year has arrived and each day I live in this new year the LORD will guide me to pastures green, valley’s dark, and wilderness vast, bleak, and barren. Just as Israel met giants, enemies, and warfare, Israel also had GOD’s personal leadership (a pillar of fire by night, a cloudy pillar by day), provision of water and bread, and protection from every foe.


There is no point thinking that opposition will not come. The battle is certain to come and GOD is our defense. However, be intentional and learn from Israel. Be thankful. GOD is wherever you are.


Feel free to shine,



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As the Father has Loved Me

solemnity and silence