Communion - Breaking the Seals
Scriptural Reference: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 KJV
23 For I have received of the LORD that which also I delivered unto you, that the LORD JESUS the same night in which HE was betrayed took bread:
24 And when HE had given thanks, HE brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is My Body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me.
25 After the same manner also HE took the cup, when HE had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in My blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me.
26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the LORD's death till HE come.
Communion Sunday, as I remember the day in childhood, was solemn, sacred, and a time for reflection and repentance. The deaconess wives and widows wore white from head to toe.
The communion table was radiant and holy. The elements of The LORD’s Supper were draped in white that glistened sharply under the sanctuary lights. These stood waiting until the pastor called for the deaconess to unveil and the deacons to serve them.
I heard that a mother of the church would make the unleavened wafers. They were crisps that lay like a flaky mountain on gold embossed trays. In tiny ‘single-sip’ miniature glass vials, that nestled perfectly in circular cut outs, unfermented grape juice was poured and the tray was domed with a lid, topped with a golden cross.
Even as a child I knew to be reverent when it was time for communion.
In these modern days many churches purchase small sealed single serve ‘all in one’ communion portions. They are manufactured. They are handed out, with a greeting, as we enter the sanctuary on Communion Sunday.
I am so grateful that though the means of delivery has changed, JESUS, my crucified Savior, who has risen, still speaks through the elements of this day. JESUS allows me to see that this cup still represents the Last Supper of scripture and JESUS declaration of ‘brokenness and being poured out.’
I commune with JESUS as I hold ‘the cup.’ I hold on to HIS Truth in my sweating palm as we sing a hymn. My heart ever mindful that JESUS holds me in HIS hand without wavering or tremors. I hear the pastor say, ‘Take this bread.’ As I lift the first seal that covers the silicon-like water wafer I recall that the thin veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom at the moment JESUS took HIS last breath. HIS perfect death gives me perfect completeness and access to HIMSELF as GOD who became man to redeem me by HIS blood.
I hear the pastor say, ‘Break and eat this bread.’ My hands hold the small emblem of JESUS perfect life, that HE exchanged for my brokenness and sins. I, like all humanity, was born in sin and shaped in iniquity. As surely as the Roman soldiers whip broke the skin of JESUS and HIS body was marred more than any man, I reverence this broken bread. I place the circled wafer in my mouth and small bites disperse the particles so I can swallow. I know as I eat of this symbol of JESUS, HE is my life. These particles symbolize the life of CHRIST becoming my life. JESUS body, symbolized in the wafer, will touch every cell in my human body because of HIS Divine body that remits every stain of sin.
Another seal has kept the ‘blood’ of the cup. As I hear the pastor say, ‘Take the cup and drink it all’ I remember that JESUS blood is the precious commodity of my eternal salvation. Heaven has granted me access into the kingdom of GOD by faith in JESUS blood payment for me. I take the cup to my lips and whisper, ‘Thank you JESUS.’ My heart and soul knows that because JESUS died, rose, and ascended with all power, I live. I eat and drink JESUS in. I rejoice because this covenant of HIS Body and Blood. I am grateful and celebrate I am HIS forever.
I sigh today, and long for the old days, like a comfy sweet spot where the traditions remain unchanged by time. Again, I sigh, because the Truth of JESUS, and the blessing of Communion, continues to mean a blessed, deep, and every deepening grace to know JESUS my redeeming Savior and soon coming KING.
I invite you to the table laid for us all.
Come believing, pray by faith, commune with JESUS in the sanctuary of your heart.
HE will meet and dine with you.
Feel free to shine,
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